Animal housing and experimentation facility (PHEA)

Chef(s) d'équipe(s) : Tatiana Ledent
Contact administratif : Erwan Leforestier

Saint-Antoine Hospital - Kourilsky Building
34 rue Crozatier - 75571 Paris cedex 12 - France

Animal Facility Manager
Scientific Manager
Engineers, Technicians


The animal facility includes two areas with Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) status: a breeding area and an experimental area.

The breeding area ensures the housing, breeding, and care of transgenic mouse lines. Admission of new lines is limited to animals with the same health status as those in this animal facility, after decontamination process by embryo transfer and maintenance under isolator. Access to this area is restricted to trained facility staff.

The experimental unit is dedicated to the housing of mice and rats used in research projects. Two rooms are designed for housing mice and one room for housing rats. Several laboratories are provided for experimental studies and includes :
• two surgical rooms equipped with gas anesthesia apparatus, a stereotaxis apparatus, and binocular magnifiers;
• a behavioral room with a video tracking system;
• a metabolic room with metabolic cages, a reverse cycle cabinet, and an actimetry system

All these equipments within the experimental area are available to the users of the facility. The PHEA was accredited in April 2017 by the Ministry of Agriculture, approval n° C 75-12-01. It is classified by the Ministry of Education and Research, group 1, class 1, containment A1, approval n° A1-0837.

Our services

The PHEA provides several rooms allowing:
• the housing and care of numerous lines of mice and rats;
• the production and breeding of experimental cohorts;
• technical support for experimental procedures
• support of customized experimental protocols

The core facility includes two areas with EOPS status: a breeding and an experimental area. In these two areas, a technical team of 4-5 experienced people ensures health monitoring, animal care and welfare, and the application of the rules for animal experimentation.

Our expertise

The Animal housing and experimentation facility (PHEA) is part of the Small Animal Phenotyping Network (RPPA), which is IBISA-certified.

To meet the new European standards for animal undergoing experimental protocols, a cell within the animal facility of the CdR Saint-Antoine is in charge of animal welfare. Furthermore, the animal facility is affiliated to the Charles Darwin Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (CEEA N°05).

St. Antoine Hospital

Kourilsky Building
34 rue Crozatier - 75012 Paris

Sorbonne Université Medicine
Saint-Antoine Site
27 rue Chaligny - 75012 Paris

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